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Taxi drivers and ride share companies program unite to limit Uber and Lyft in Chicago and give consumers a choice

Terry Blue
  The taxi indsutry often has been an urban corrupt monopoly giving kick backs to Democratic politicians for th elimited reward and distribution of taxi medallions in large cities that helped establsih some powerful men in positions of complete monopoly. Along with the tactic of bringing in massive number of immigrants to price out the labor of native -born people these companies often used obscene tactics and treated taxi riders like shit through the years before thankfully tech allowed other parties and opened up the streets for a new system for people to select and pick the drivers they wanted instead of being randomly picking strangers from Arabia, Yemen, Africa, Afghanland. or bannanstand countries. Taxi companies s do not like this competition and often bemoan the fact that their wages are alot less these days as they can't provide an income for four kids as these immigrants were once accustomed to as in America .
NNamdi Uwazie complains about there being too many Uber and Lyft drivers and the problem is not that but that there is not regulation they demand that can limit drivers and give these entitled pricks a right to own limited medallions as valuable as a house. The taxi sysytem was a global immigrant scam meant to take advantage of US corrupt Democrat laws and establish favoritism for a crony few and it is a sysytem that was wrought and needed to be destroyed. No person doing a simple driver occupation was deserving of this ponzi scheme and profiting from it as an investment of some source because you kicked out American wage forces with your global dominance onwership.

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