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Psychotic Walton family and Jeff Bezos and Mukesh Amami desire to go after Indian small Kiranas stores

Jay Yang
   Jeff Bezos of amazon wishes for more tech dominance and the plutocrats if big box retail like the Walton family hope to wish to follow him and destroy the Indian tradition f the small family mom and pop store. As these two co along with Japan 7 11 company  were successful in ruining and destroying mom and pop supermarket small stores these conglomerates now have their eyes and set on the Mullins and millions of small Indian stores and even fellow Indian billionaires desire to rid these people of their business much like they were successful in removing Indian farmers from their

ancestral lands in a land rush grab not seen since the America West with another group of Indians. Mukesh and his elite Indian family along with Jeff Bezos are demand ways to get ride of the Kirana stores because they are so entitled and fucking greedy wish for even more riches to destroy peoples livelihood and spread their inequality and rich  Indians like Mukash Amami are bad for
capitalism and not capitalism  but ancharno- capitalism gone amok that would make Jeff Berwick blush. Now is the time for the middle class and poor in India to stand up to the capitalist billionaire class that like Mushy Mukesh and confiscate this demons wealth as men like him and Jeff Bezos are in fact modern day neo-colonialists much more greedy and wicked than the worse British agent sin India. Mukash Ambani has a harem of fuckable young Indian women to bed in nightly rituals of orgies and he seeks more billions through displacement  of millions of Kiosk workers in India who already are reliant  on this mans reliance payment billing software that mother fucker Mukash had as a good monopolist ion tech forced these struggling Kariani owners to pony up and pay tribute to him making him even more disgustingly wealthy. Jeff Bozos for his part has already gotten his globalist ass into the system as well having amazon deliver many products and items to these owners and he too is ever increasing the burdens and costs for these independent small business Kirana owners as he eventually seeks to work to put these people and
their Kiranas out of business to be replaced by Amazon and more modern big box stores some unquestionably will be Amazon stores. Both Bezos, The Walton family and India's richest pervert Mukesh Ambani are pushing for more e-commerce into Indian society because they kn ow dam well they will be in positions tom profit and establish more of a monopoly to hoard this movement of shopping in India that these disruptive seek and mold for themselves.

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