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Dave Cullom comes on James Howard Kunstler's program and bases the manipulative warmongering bias media

    Jamie Logan

   Professor Dave Cullom came on Jame Howard Kuntsler and they spoke the election rigging and tampering of our elections and the chemistry professor and the social critic have stated ta the Democratic party has committed these election frauds and that  for some time in smaller local elections  and state election through the years and that the Democratic corrupt individuals owning the media essentially want a one party state .  The lying media has manipulated and overblown the Covid 19 virus and trumps response weaponizing this virus in the election year with a man goal of affecting the election with their news reporting and the major mainstream news media members and networks for the television networks to newspaper bias columnists are fully on board and hired agents for the Democratic party and

international investing classes.
 Cullom says the danger posed by perpetual victim hood and racial identity protesters is amazing and nefarious and he believes there will be more George Floyd violence when the cops walks scott free which they are innocent of the crimes charged against them in the death of this criminal Floyd George w actually died form having a mixture of toxic drugs in his system. Cullom said all elections are never fair and square but this one was egregiously not fair and honest and that if we don;t clean up our  elections and stop the Democratic party from using international corruption to meddle and interfere with our democrat process it will only get worse and this country will further fall and fall .James Howard and Collum  talked about the similarity of the Soviet media and today's American corporate media and how the bad faith and dishonesty of our mainstream media speaks lies verbatim of the corrupt Democratic machines. Cullom also bashed Amazon and Facebook and the data scrappers as being over-values and not of any value calling it all craigslist and this is meant to empower  the big tech social media sites and there is no real value in Amazon ,Twitter, or Facebook or other tech companies that just store and scrap peoples private data and then get funded to purchase sports teams and organizations through this pretend wealth. 

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