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Sonny Liew crashes Zakir Naik lecture and asks about Islam's allowance for more than one wife and not more than one husband

Lee Park Kong
   Famed comic artist Sonny Liew was seen at  Malaysian event for Zakir Naik and promotion of Islamic beliefs and values and the Chinaman asked the radical Islamic preacher why his religion allows men to acquire wives like one collects vases and lamps. Sonny can't believe the contradiction of this global brand and religion making these allowances for men but or for headscarves Muslim women in having a ménage trois and multiple husbands and life partners.
Sonny broke in on a Zakir questionnaire event in front of a ten thousand gathering which this Muslim preacher often draws from his lectures and travels around the world as Zakir Naik is a Muslim quoting and memorizing rock star Iman. Zakir rose to his feet as his custom trademark and answered Sonny's question in the usual Muslim answer he went on to say other religions and traditional beliefs allowed multiple wives and that the Koran only limits Muslims to four wives. Naik also made a crazy assertion of confusion of whom the child's father would be if a woman had more than one husband . Islam has and always will be the religion of female oppression and persecution and the double speak and double talk of this clown is amusing.  Zakir Naik mentioned how Krishna in the Vedes has twelve hundreds wives and so forth. Zakir mentions the importance of men taking their in law wives when the opportunity arises and that they must be a wife instead of a ward of the state in some insane answer and weird belief that doing it with your wife's sister is
justifiable actions as she could be on the street. make no mistake Zakir Naik wishes he could have multiple  wives like Krishna and Zakir dreams of having a hundred hot young and slim Chinese wives instead of bushy ugly Muslim women form the sub-continent. this jerk makes no mention that a good percentage of women would rather not have bearded weirdo life partners and may prefer a woman for a life partner and for sex.  Zakir is a fucking freak and gives weird answers and acts neurotically on his many YouTube lectures and there is no doubt this madman Indian preacher is insane in the membrane. Sonny was so moved by the answer he later asked Zakir to autograph one of his collectors comic magazines and is thinking of creating a new madman character of Zakir Naik for future artwork. this guy makes exceptions that men can enjoy the fruits of multiple partners but that women  are not allowed the same number of helpless men who must share a wife
. Zakir Naik is a sand ni**er disgruntled he is stuck with Bengali lame-lookers as the opposite sex and he is also a religious scholar nerd turd who can never get an eighty year old Chinese widow yet four Chinese hot women as wives unless they cause terror and conquer large sections of the civilized world who realize their book is full of shit and dumb as hell, which incident is where most of these savage terrorists will end up.

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