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Raving, a short film by Julia Stiles

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Just saw Julia Stiles' short film Raving on the Sundance Channel, and here's the schedule of future showings. I don't have much experience watching short films but I did like Raving, which makes its points quickly and quietly like a short story.

In present-day New York a woman (Zooey Deschanel) hustles strangers for money on the street while a man (Bill Irwin) in the same part of town tries in vain to swipe his security card through a reader at an office complex. The two meet and Deschanel's character initially sees Irwin's as an opportunity for profit. He hires her to clean his apartment and she discovers a cache of jewelry and old clothes. When Irwin sees her in a green dress belonging to his late wife things take an unexpected direction.

It's not quite clear how the story wraps up, the film closes in a non-sequitur moment with Zooey fronting a jazz band and singing "Hello Dolly." Raving seems meant to be a tribute to the lonely souls of New York, who each live out their own stories amid the throngs. Stiles goes all warm and fuzzy on the city at the end, but the best compliment I can pay Raving is that I wanted to follow these characters for longer than the film's 20-minute running time.

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