02/22 Fri Final Oscar Predictions & Film Bitch Award Winners
02/23 Sat Live Blogging the Indie Spirits --why not? maybe? partially? We'll see how it goes...
02/24 Sun Live Blogging of the 80th Annual Oscars (right here)
02/25-02/26 Oscar wrap up, fashion & afterwords
02/27-02/28 UBIQUITY: the new batch ~which actors will we be sick of by December 2008? The list is long.
02/29-3/05 Short Break (post-Oscar recuperation... you'll need it too!)
And on approximately Thursday, March 6th the daily cinematic shenanigans [now 2007 free!] start up again. As usual I have eyes-bigger-than-stomach plans. Watch me flop around trying to do too many things at once! I have currently taken down some portions of the site for remodelling and still plan to fuse the blog to it so there will be less constant cross-clicking. But here's a vague outline of what's coming up...
March: "Actress Psychic Contest", more podcasting, a road trip out west (no, really. I have to go so I'll take y'all with me and hopefully we'll take in some movies along the way) and we'll look at at least a few classic films like A Touch of Evil, Network and The Piano. Plus: the beginning of a cool co-production/countdown with another website (tba)
April: Annual 'Year in Advance' Oscar prognostication. Last year I did really well, best on the web I believe --3/5 in several categories including best picture and best actress, way back on 04/01/07 ... so you won't want to miss those. We'll check back in with those "Actors of the Aughts" and see how they're doing. Plus: Pfeiffer's 50th Birthday!
All that plus returning & new "series"... Let's see where '08 takes us. Stick along for the ride.
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