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Wicked witch of climate lies Naomi Klein comes on David Pakman's program and pushes brainwashing children book

    Bernardo Romano

   There is perhaps no bigger charlatan and liar of climate change than has Naomi Klein been through the years and the propagandist on pay form Americas overseas enemies desperate working to shit down energy and fuel  Independence for the United State sis this monster named Naomi Klein Klein was once a pretty face  eon the free market of media manipulation but now is not seen as much as she ages and resembled the Wicked Witch of Wizard of Ozland than the beauty she once was as a author of numerous climate fear mongering work. The witch appeared on Argentine trolls Dave Pakman show and basically spoke about her new children book and for young adults that she has coming out as Naomi Klein wishes to get them while their young and attempts  to scare and brainwash the youth now with her written vile world. Naomi Klein is worried about the  mother Earth because father time has not been good to her. Yuk. 

This woman lies and has no evidence of climate change and climates change throughout the Earths history with or without man and for this screwball to now be able it out children book material exposes her foe this fraud and this is how the extremist anti-fossil fuel industry operates as basically the hope and seek to decline fossil fuels to weaken the military might of this country and empowering the terrorists and renegade states overseas. Naomi Klein is sick in her head and he push and lies about industrialism destroying the planet is full of hog manure and she  doe sit so purposely selling books and being a leading figure for

climate change caused by human activity and this woman is a dangerous propagandist and has worked on this lie for year perfecting her art of climate propaganda -- the  fact this witch now appears on this leftist shill for anti-Americans and ANTIFA groups and David Pakman is a sycophant for extremest Black Bloc progressive Marxists radicals who use whores in the media and print like Naomi Klein to push their radical agenda. next up for Naomi Witch in her Earth shattering lying  propaganda tour is the Sick Sam Seder Majority Report. 

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