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Random Product Review! Dr. Pickles' Miraculous Beauty Dust in Mint by My Pretty Zombie!

Press Sample

Indies seem to be expanding into the tinted setting powders and My Pretty Zombie was one of the first to release one. They were kind enough to send me a couple samples of their new Dr. Pickle's Miraculous Beauty Dust. This Random Product Review will be focused on the Mint shade but it also comes in Violet.

Green setting powders are used to cancel out redness but a good setting powder in general will also absorb oil and help your makeup last longer. Dr. Pickles' Dust worked well on all three counts but I was most impressed with how well it worked on redness. 

I applied a red cream blush heavily on my arm and then after it set, applied MPZ's Mint Beauty Dust over it to see how much of it canceled out. As you can tell from the picture, it not only neutralized most of the redness but also manages to look natural and not overly powdered.

It's a very smooth powder overall and sits lightly on the face. The oil control was moderate but during this summer period, that's about as much as I expect from any mattifying powder - indie or otherwise.

A strong introduction by MPZ. And the full-sized jar has a cute graphic of a cat on it. Double win.

Have any of you tried it?

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