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gargoyles and grotesques

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 26, 03:54 PM
    Insurance rates based on mileage driven are also gaining traction.

    This question is always asked on Canadian vehicle insurance applications, but everyone lies.

    Same thing with the "do you use your vehicle to drive to and from work"?

    Lies, all lies. ;)

    But, I do favour users fees.

    If gas taxes don't cover that in the age of the electric car, then we have GPS in cars to record, and report when prompted, mileage driven.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyle
  • Gargoyle

  • macduke
    Dec 28, 09:16 AM
    Haha, I can already see the next Verizon ad! This is pathetic. Surely Apple has worked out a deal with another carrier for 2010? At least AT&T doesn't completely suck where I work and play. Well, except my mother-in-laws house, which really sucks because what else am I supposed to do there? They don't even have wifi. I should have bought them a router for Christmas.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • klaxamazoo
    Apr 12, 12:57 PM
    It looks like using the symbol browser still crashes Microsoft Word. That is a shame. Everything else about Office 2011 has been great.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • skunk
    May 3, 01:49 PM
    Gives us a nice goal to get out of Afghanistan have finished. We got him and destroyed his network ability to launch large attacks. And hopefully put Afghanistan into a position where the moderates will be in control.I very much doubt that Al Qaeda has been dependent on Bin Laden for a very long time, and the day moderates take over from the gangsters who are in control of Afghanistan now is I fear a very long way off.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • Dagless
    Jan 19, 10:17 AM
    27th in US. We even get the new Pokemon game a few days earlier too, how odd of Nintendo! My preorder is down now.


    One friend code per user.

    3D video content from Aardman, Sky and Eurosport.

    Gameboy/Gameboy Colour download shop. Has the option of buying with real money too and not e-points.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques at
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques at

  • itcheroni
    Apr 4, 04:38 PM
    Itcheroni's post used the same argument form as many democrats have used when defending President Obama. I found that ironic, so I threw it out there. Admittedly, it was a bit off topic, but considering the big picture on taxes and spending and how bad things could have gotten involves national politics, I didn't think it was so far off to derail the thread.

    As an aside, who do you think advocates for lower taxes, the Austrian economic fallacy, and the theory that spending cuts alone will fix all our problems? Is it really possible to debate this without acknowledging who we are talking about?

    I'd be happy to stand up and praise anything related to the Republicans. It's depressing to not have much to cheer about. Where are all the reasonable Republicans I knew and respected? Why aren't they the ones standing up to this? They used to.

    mcrain, we're going to constantly run into this same discussion until you realize that I have never voted for or supported a single Republican in my life. If you search my postings pre-2008, try to find a post where I wasn't criticizing Bush. It's a bit unfair to force someone who criticizes Obama to defend Bush, especially when my opinion is that they are both horrible Presidents.

    And I tried to state earlier this earlier, but I will say it explicitly. There are only 2 Republicans who understand Austrian economics and they are the Pauls. Other Republicans believe in other theories. For an example of how different these theories can be, go on youtube and find a debate between Laffer and Schiff.

    By the way, what is the Austrian economics fallacy? Business cycles?

    We should talk.

    I've traveled a lot and I'm hoping to do more once my son is a bit older.

    Feel free to PM me.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • Fukui
    Apr 12, 07:42 PM
    Hey anybody tried Hancom office?
    I've used it on Win but heard its also available on OSX too.

    gargoyles and grotesques. resemble the gargoyles
  • resemble the gargoyles

  • optophobia
    Nov 17, 04:46 PM
    Does he at least put them on for you or do you just get a kit and have to do it yourself?


    Instructions (fixits) are linked on his site.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and grotesques
  • Gargoyles and grotesques

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 26, 01:04 PM
    Yeah, tell me about it (looks down at my Quad). But honestly, I think it will suck even more for Adobe, as they are really limiting themselves in the market that they can reach. Come on Adobe, it wouldn't be THAT hard to code according to Apple's Universal standards, would it?

    If the CS3 situation is any example, then Adobe would have you believe the answer to that question is "YES". ;)

    And yes, there still is a very large PPC user base out there which Adobe will risks alienating with this type of a decision. If they can make CS3 UB, and that's not coming out until spring of how come they can't make SoundBooth (a relatively simpler app compared to CS3) UB as well, which will be released presumably only a few months afterwards? :confused:

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles amp; Grotesques,
  • Gargoyles amp; Grotesques,

  • Skika
    Apr 6, 05:03 AM
    I think Woz was trying to please the audience a little with that response as he was aware they are tech savy and knew he couldnt get away with praising it as a revolutionizing device. So i think his response was a good one.

    gargoyles and grotesques. quot;The Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • quot;The Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • Blue Velvet
    Oct 21, 05:15 PM
    If you see a svelte, chic, gorgeous and charismatic woman surrounded by a ton of admirers...

    ...it won't be me. :p

    If I'm there, I shall be wearing black, as all well-dressed OS X releases usually are. ;)

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyle
  • Gargoyle

  • dvdhsu
    Apr 16, 02:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    Let's hope he didn't use a cross compiler when making the app....

    Haha, exactly what I was thinking.

    Sometimes, the app store restrictions are a bit ridiculous, and when Apple realizes that they're dealing with people who know what they're doing, they remove those restrictions quickly.

    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • oscillatewildly
    Apr 4, 03:56 PM

    If taxation is designed to ween us from foreign oil and clean-up the atmosphere, then a gas tax is perfect. Otherwise, it needs to be based on miles driven somehow (perhaps along with a weight multiplier).

    Hi mstrze,

    The system in the UK was altered as a gesture to reducing total carbon dioxide emission. Being the UK it took the car route - big car, must be rich, easy target - rather than loading the fuel price - more votes to be lost making high use small car owners pay their fair share.:rolleyes:

    Much of the damage here seems to be caused by cable and utility companies, and the weather. Tax the companies plus strict completion time and quality requirements? A lot of bad patch jobs injuring motorcyclists and cyclists, even before they become potholes.

    Highway miles? The old chestnut is tolls.


    gargoyles and grotesques. Gargoyles and Grotesques
  • Gargoyles and Grotesques

  • TheNewDude
    Apr 30, 10:20 AM
    I remember reading on Best Buy Canada's website that if you pre-order the game you get access to the Beta... I wonder if that goes for Mac too or just PC. But yeah, I can't wait to see how well it will end up running on the 13" MBP with the "killer graphics"!

    gargoyles and grotesques. gargoyles and grotesques.
  • gargoyles and grotesques.

  • Phil A.
    Feb 24, 06:23 AM
    I'm in two minds here: Firstly, I completely agree that parents should be responsible for their kids, and I don't feel that Apple are in any way culpable for this.

    However, I do feel that some of the games publishers are acting in a particularly scummy way and are exploiting this "loophole" to make money from people who are failing to monitor their kids properly.

    I was particularly surprised to see a respectable company such as Capcom involved with this shady business - having in-app purchases of up to �60 in a free game is exploitative and leaves a bad taste in the mouth

    gargoyles and grotesques. Yosemite Gargoyle.
  • Yosemite Gargoyle.

  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 12:49 PM
    Stonebriar Frisco update, about 60 in line. Apple rep going down line asking if we have any questions and will try to give us answers.

    Asked about what and when accessories are available

    Ask about how many per person

    Asked about qnty of each available

    Asked about flow when doors open at 5:00

    And if we do not want personal setup is there an express pay lane


    gargoyles and grotesques. gargoyle from a grotesque
  • gargoyle from a grotesque

  • whatever
    Oct 10, 01:37 PM
    why do we (or some of us) want a entire case redesign for MBP... i mean, i can understand the logic behind easily accessible harddrive.. and if i push it, maybe the magnetic latch, but the entire case redesign? what's wrong with the current case? i think most people think the case looks nice...

    only the macbook has been redesigned in the intel transition process.. but thats because ibook hasn't gotten a case redesign since ibook g3, no? and plus, it's not even THAT much of a redesign.. and aside from that, mini stayed the same, imac, mac pro all stayed the same (and imac already had a 2nd revision..) i don't see apple redesign it either

    I for one hope they redesign the entire case. I dropped my 17" Power Book while it was in my computer bag and caught it by the strap as it hit the floor. I'm not sure if you can picture this, the bag was on my shoulder and slid off and I caught it just as the corner hit. I thought, thank God it was in a computer bag. Well the corner of my computer that it the ground was folded like aluminum foil. I was really surprised that I was able to reshape it back into shape with my hands.

    Granted nothing was wrong with the computer, but....

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  • MBHockey
    Feb 11, 01:11 PM
    I could host it on my iDisk for you

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  • grotesques and gargoyles

  • nagromme
    Mar 13, 12:16 PM
    My AT&T 4G (not yet running 4.3—I like to be a late adopter of big updates from any company) changed times automatically in the night, and my alarm went off as it should.

    Mar 25, 11:38 AM
    Typical of a company that has no business model right now; become a patent troll. Kind of a shame, Kodak used to be a great company, but they got left behind by the digital revolution.

    Sep 25, 12:13 PM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    Whatever. I'm sure they'll be hurt because you're running the world.

    The updates are about 3 weeks away.

    Mar 28, 08:54 AM
    Glad to hear that this it is not MacOS OR iOS but both ...

    From that price, you can better buy a Mac and watch it in QuikTime... :)

    How do you meet/interact with people when you watch it in QuickTime? (even if they would add 'FaceTime' connection it wouldn't be the same)

    Apr 30, 07:32 PM
    Trump is too much about himself and his personality has to get him what he wants. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way in the White House. He won't get everything his way and he needs to do things based on the citizens, not what he wants.

    I'm not sure what kind of image would be out there with his three marriages to those who are all actors/models as well.

    Dec 27, 07:40 PM
    I have to say that LIVEFRMNYC's chat makes more sense than the Consumerist's. Fraud would certainly be reason for preventing only online sales. My guess is that the Consumerist got a typically uninformed call center employee.

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