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Benefit Skincare

Skincare is one of my greatest loves in this world, whether it be slathering clay face masks on or rubbing spot serums into my chin, you name it; I probably love it. I do tend to purchase different items whenever I hit the end of a bottle rather than repurchase products, just because there’s so many skincare products to try! I recently gave Benefit’s Skincare a whirl. I don’t usually go for makeup brand’s skincare ranges; I’m inclined to think that they should stick to what they know in the cosmetics department and leave the specialist cleansing/moisturising/toning to the experts. However, I have heard good things about the Benefit Skincare range and my Mum put her trip round duty free to brilliant use and picked me up the Makeup Remover and Triple Performing Facial Emulsion! Here’s what I thought…

Remove It Makeup Remover
It took me a good five minutes to stop shrieking at the beautiful bottles before I tested it out. It is basically a micellar water, and Benefit’s Makeup Remover is a pretty nice addition to my cleansing collection. It smells pretty good; nothing too offensive or over-fragranced, and it’s a clear solution made to look turquoise by the beautiful bottle. There’s something very Alice In Wonderland-y about these bottles, and I just adore them. As a makeup remover, it does its job. It removes my foundation quite well, and smudges my eye makeup around to make it easier to clean when I wash my face afterwards. At £16.50, it is on the steep side, especially considering you can get just as good a micellar water by Garnier for about £5. As well as this, it did sting my eyes a little bit, but it was nothing too terrible to worry about and I don’t seem to have lost my vision thus far. However, I do enjoy using it and I feel very luxurious when I crack open the very pretty bottle. I’d give it a 7/10 overall!

Triple Performing Facial Emulsion SPF 15
Many of you who read my blog regularly will know that moisturisers and I are simply not friends. I have very oily skin, especially on my forehead and around my nose, and don’t even get me started on my chin! I always find with moisturisers that I feel like I’ve overdone it a little; it feels thick on my face and ends up making me feel greasy and slimy for hours. Having said this, I do actually have space in my cleansing schedule for this moisturiser by Benefit. It’s lighter than a traditional moisturiser (they call it an ‘emulsion’) and it’s oil free. It is SPF15, and so I took it on holiday to Italy with me because as I was backpacking and wasn’t wearing makeup. I really liked it for that! Especially when it came to giving my skin a little TLC after baking out in the sun all day. I do still use this, though I shudder to think it cost £22.50. It’s really and truly the only moisturiser/emulsion I’ve ever gotten along with, and although I only really reach for it in my normal day-to-day life if I’ve given my skin an extra rigorous clean, I do really like it. Again, the packaging is just dreamy!

Have you tried Benefit Cosmetic’s Skincare Range? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below!

Lots of love,

Jasmine x

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