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Another hair dilemma...

The time for my next hairdresser appointment has come again, and I've found myself at my wits' end: what haircut should I get?! Ok, I know it's not exactly a life or death decision, but this time I really struggle with choosing a short style that would suit me and I need your help!

For years, my hair idol was Keira Knightley with her long, choppy bangs, then I turned to the fabulous classic and opted for Audrey Hepburn's soft cut. While the former worked quite well for me (on days I could be bothered to style it), the latter doesn't read well on my mass of fine straight hair. What to do now?

I scoured the interwebs and came up with three options:

1. A mohawk-inspired style. This is similar to my Keira Knightley style from a while back, and I feel these egdy cuts work well with my regular features. I've always had a soft spot for mohawks...

2. Ginnifer Goodwin's pixie cut. Again, a variation on the rocker chic theme. Quite a fabulous one, and I love how versatile it seems to be... It's like at least three different styles in one!

3. Emma Watson's uber short style. I think it looks amazing with her young face and makes her features more interesting. But I've already been called a gentleman in a restaurant by some standing at my back, so maybe that's a bit too extreme?

Which one do you like the best? I'll be making an appointment in a couple of days, and your opinion is much appreciated!

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