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Hair care review : Makarizo hair energy with royal jelly creambath

Ok, the name is actually longer than what i wrote in the title. the full name is... Makarizo hair energy with royal jelly for damaged hair ain-aging creambath. hehe. too long right, so i just make it short..

Anyway, i think most of the women, if they have time and money, they would loce to go to salon or spa to pamper themselves, either to have a facial, creambath, hair spa, manicure, pedicure, full body massage, or anything else. When i was Jakarta i used to go to salon or spa regularly. but here in Yemen, i have to do it by myself, at home. Here salon is not so popular for all those treatment, it's likely only to cut your hair, dye your hair,  or make up for special occasion.

So since my hair started getting dry and tangled after 3years living here, last time i travelled to Jakarta i bought some hair care products. This makarizo is one of them. i've tried the sachet before and i liked it, so i bought the big 500g jar. i bought this one in Pasar Mayestik.
look how big and bulky it is. the packaging is plastic container.

what is this product anyway? where here's some information on the packaging
information in english
information in bahasa
can you read that? hehe.. don't worry i will re-write here;
information from the packaging:
Enriched with royal jelly to nourish hair shaft and hair roots. Maintains hair moisture balance to avoid hair split ends, hair elasticity, and scalp condition. Royal jelly is an excellent conditioner and prevents frizzy hair. Hair looks healthier, smoother and better shinny.it’s not only your skin is able to be aged but also your hair. Most people think that aging will be only emerged for old people but in fact, hair aging also appears in young people. Hair aging can be emerged due to external reason, for example polution, hair dryer applications and hair chemical usages. Sign of aging on hair such as thinner hair, dull or feeble hair, not volume, coarse and un-manageability.
Directions : Applied a sufficient amount of makarizo hair energy anti aging creambath with royal jelly using your palms and massage it lightly only to the part where is needed. 15 minutes steamed. rinse hait throughly only using lukewarm water.

well, not so helpful information. first, in the direction it's not clean when do you supposed to use this. before washing your hair with shampoo, or after washing your hair first and towel dry. anyway, since the procedure of creambath in salon is that you wash your haie first then start to apply the cream, so i thought it shoud be that way. but anyway i tried both ways.
inside jar. ooopppssss... almost finish... realllllyy?? i have used all of them? well, for information, it's been 6months since i opened this. it last long!! oh, and if course, i used this only twice a month.
the cream.. the texture is thick creamy. the smell is actually reminded me of l'oreal with royal jelly. i've tried l'oreal products line with royal jelly, and this one smells similar. maybe that's how the scent of royal jelly? it smells good, although for me it's too artificial fragrance.

my experience with this product..
well, i tried both ways. First, i washed my hair and towel dry, then started applying this cream with some massage until my hand got tired. hehe. then just wrapped it with warm towel, wait, then rinse off with water.
second, i tried to apply this on my dry hair before shower, then rinse off and shamppo. 
the result? Same!! hehe.. so i think you can do it both way, anyway you prefer. the result is my hair is soft, not tangled, easy to comb, smells good, but... too bad, the effect doesn't last long. the next day my hair back to tangled, and the smell is gone the next day.
But overall, i still like it and continue to use it until it finish. i don't know if i will buy more of this. I will check on Pasar mayestik to see what other creambat products they have, if nothing attract me then i will buy this again, in different variant.

anyway, i also bought l'oreal hair spa cream, so after this makarizo i will try the l'oreal.

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